Quote – “People of Vengeance are Termites” – 9/1/2020

“Deconstructionists are termites. They require extermination. They are pests, who live to tear down development. What had a business done to raise itself, only for a termite wandering in the streets to pull it down? What does ignorance do, of the same? It breaks. People will speak of the power of knowledge. Though, the power of ignorance will tear the structure apart in a fraction of the time it took to be built. ‘Raise’ a child for 18 years, with all the required knowledge. Kill the 18-year-old child after their birthday, and one was merely ignorant of that knowledge.

All structure, built through knowledge. All structure, destroyed through ignorance.”

– Modern Romanticism





18 responses to “Quote – “People of Vengeance are Termites” – 9/1/2020”

  1. maylynno Avatar

    Yes, but deconstructionism or post-structuralism in philosophy is a big philosophical current that brought a lot if insights to the world.

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    1. romanticindeed Avatar

      I understand that analysis of what has been deconstructed, can be beneficial, for insight. Though, I will so doubt that fire was the tool to use for this philosophy.

      What can be analyzed of ash and dust?

      Through this post, I was referencing these idiot rioters in the streets, who are using fire in the name of their anger, for “Justice”. One objectively cannot speak in the name of Justice, and use fire as their tool. As fire relates to anger, and anger relates always to hatred, then it is Vengeance, not Justice, that these people want. If they want Vengeance, not Justice, then they want power. Yet, fire is a power always outside a human’s control, when no one knows how to be responsible with it.

      Fire was once controlled in a circle of stones, back when humans were cave-dwellers. But, when was the first time a human held fire in their hands? I believe that was when a human first learned how to be responsible.

      Water, in relation to Justice, cannot be used by humans. It is too heavy. What would a bucket of water do, for these foolish rioters? They cannot destroy a business with water. Though, with fire, since it is weightless, can easily destroy.

      Compare water and water together, and you get grief and grief. You get vulnerability and vulnerability, from tears, aligning people together through understanding. In the realization of what has been lost, we comprehend, through grief, that what has been lost is just as painful as what someone else lost. That realization is the only thing that puts an end to Vengeance and the cycle of hatred.

      Should we ever burn things that are alive? We should not. Just as we don’t burn living, green wood, we burn deadwood. We burn a corpse for cremation, too, making what is already dead, what is already lost, necessary for fire’s purpose. But, fire for things still alive, represent the all-consuming and toxic (of smoke) anger of a human. This anger consumes, craves, and overtakes anything it touches, that isn’t actually of Justice.

      For Justice would douse those fires, being made of water, into calmness. Nothing of anger is in Justice. It is always calm.


      1. maylynno Avatar

        Yes I got your point. Sometimes, I understand this madness, though I am not a violent person myself. But even Jesus destroyed the temple when it was turned into a market!
        I don’t know what to think about riots turning violent: sometimes I understand it, sometimes I don’t.

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      2. romanticindeed Avatar

        Every human was once an animal, without intelligence, without true freedom of the mind, and enslaved of all they did. When we broke past that, we discovered how to civilize ourselves, how to calm ourselves, and most of all, how to show ourselves in a direction that does not cause more loss.

        The only way for anger to be soothed, is by 2 vengeful sorts on opposing sides, saying to the other, “What you have lost, is just as painful as what I have lost.” Then, water comes, calming words come, and people connect at the heaviness of each other’s captivation. They hold onto each other, not ever yearning to let go.

        I find people so pitiful when they want to be angry. I was once this way. For 7 whole months, I resented the woman I loved, only for her to keep telling me, “I’m not your enemy.” I was a fool, and I realize that, now. And, I am at peace. I wrote about my depression, and how I escaped from it. You commented on that post.

        I may sound overly passionate, though it’s only because I understand anger. I understand it gets a person nowhere. Moreover, it destroys a person inside themselves, more than their hands can rip down everything until they are severed from the forearms.

        Imagine how many things one can destroy in the world. Do you believe such anger would remain in a person, long enough to destroy everything, before such anger destroys the angry person?


      3. maylynno Avatar

        No I don’t! Anger and resentment destroy the person once they start to exist in him/her.

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    2. romanticindeed Avatar

      Like grief, water is far too heavy. What is its contrast from the weightlessness of a flame?

      People should understand this.

      I believe that such understandings would put an end to all this nonsense that even “well-educated” politicians condone.

      Why does oil and water not mix? Has anyone ever answered this question? I have.

      There may be some literal science behind it, though I believe more in the metaphorical context behind this, since I am the poet, here.

      Oil and water. Where the former, if shared with a human of water, would only burn through the anger (fire) when it is ignited. It would only destroy more of what the already-grieving person has lost. We are “calm”, fragile, weak, through grief. But, as anger is a common feeling from grief, we become not so calm. A connection between water and water, not ever oil and water, would breed the unison of understanding between people’s hurts. That is the “calmness” I refer to, that relates always to Justice.

      Again, oil and water cannot mix because the former would represent further destruction, when ignited by the fires of anger. Whereas, the latter can be mixed with another of its kind, when people of grief come together to understand that their hurts are all the same.


      1. maylynno Avatar

        Yes but not all people are capable of being like water in a grief period. Mostly they will be like fire, at least for a short period.
        Being born in a war zone, I hate violence in all its forms. But sometimes I understand the anger.

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      2. romanticindeed Avatar

        You mentioned Jesus destroying a temple “when it was turned into a market”. That’s an example of erasing greed. What relates to greed, in all I wrote? Anger relates to greed, because such an emotion is all-consuming, both inner and outer. Everything that anger touches, becomes dust. It might have once been gold, though now it is coal.

        Greed is hungry, as is flame, as is Vengeance. It has no end to be stopped.

        People need their fires, their anger, tamed. All anger must be tamed, like a raging bull being soothed with calming words.

        If you see these idiot rioters use the word “Justice”, again, you know they are lying.

        Objectively so, Justice does not utilize anger. Vengeance does. We burn, when we are angry, and we suffocate, when we emit the toxic fumes. Vengeance utilizes anger, the same way fire mixes with fire, to become a greater blaze.

        If water can ever mix with water, then people would connect at the level of understanding. Vulnerability of heaviness, in terms of those weighty emotions, would allow people to stop expressing their so-called “freedom” by acting as angry animals.


      3. maylynno Avatar

        From this perspective I totally agree with you.
        Same goes here: everytime there is a peaceful protest down the streets, there is always a bunch of people who turned it into mayhem. So what starts everytime to be a rightful claim for social justice turns to a war zone between violent thugs and angry policemen.

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      4. romanticindeed Avatar

        There is Justice, and then there is Social Justice. There’s correctness, and then there is Political Correctness.

        That of the latter, involves a collective approach. When involving the former, we individualize what we can say of ourselves, for Justice’s sake, as we also do something correct and decent for the world. Because, neither Justice nor correctness can take on a “collective” approach, when such things should also be done by individual human hands.

        Were we to correct everyone on what they do, then the individual will come into play. He or she, as the individual, will be seen as a threat to the regime. They get steamrolled.

        Words so innately good, such as “Justice” or “correctness” turn into their opposites, making it an evil, when both society and politics come into their realms.

        Perhaps this is why a mob of angry people come together, they form a swath of vengeful thinking, rather than something so individualized, as Justice.


      5. maylynno Avatar

        You are right and things are getting more complicated worldwide by the minute. I wonder if there is a happy nation these days, even if happiness is no longer a collective matter. I love this ancient Greek idea of politics as having collective happiness as an aim. Again, we fell low.

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      6. romanticindeed Avatar

        I had seen a video on YouTube, a few days ago, of a man who was shouting at the rioters/looters, of BLM and Antifa, saying, “You trying to get Trump re-elected?”

        His store was looted, and he said the words, “I have a family and kids to feed.”

        A young woman from the rioting crowd came up to him, and stammered the words out, “These people don’t represent our movement.”

        You know what? This sound like what the leaders did, during France’s Reign of Terror, as a part of the French Revolution, when over 17,000 people were guillotined. Those people executed were deemed as “enemies” of the Revolution.

        Look at how that relates to today. People’s stores are being looted and burned, because the rioters are claiming these businesses don’t represent their pitiful ideology of “change”.

        “Revolution”, “change”, or whatever synonym one wishes to plant on it, is only a representation of chaos. What a nation needs, is improvement off a foundation.

        Constant change should be described as, “A small spurt of widespread growth, only for it to be washed from sight, soon as someone else gets an idea for something ‘different’.”


      7. maylynno Avatar

        What you are saying here happens almost everyday down the streets. Some leaders’ thugs turn protests into a violent rage. Politicians are so predictable which is a pity to politics in its noble sense.

        I agree that things need to evolve. But evolution is never smooth. It needs to revolve in order to evolve. There is a strong resistance to change from the political class. Little did they see that 2020 opened the way to change into a new era.

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      8. romanticindeed Avatar

        I don’t believe in “change”. I believe in improvement. I believe in taking what we already have, and building upon it.

        Change is always random. It’s full of random ideas from people with their random voices. You see this on YouTube, as well. Some YouTuber with 500k subscribers says something that his or her viewers will listen to. That video with the speech might gain 400,000 views, though it’s the same as any other video with half a million views offered by someone with half a million subscribers. What I’m meaning is that even if you’re famous in this world, you still will not stand out. This is the “randomness of change” I am referencing.

        When you have a lawyer among a million lawyers, a doctor among a million doctors, or a dentist among a million dentists, what you have is change, and nothing more than that. You have everyone who gets somewhere, though no one really stands out.

        Of course, in this dumb world, if someone ever did stand out among the rest, that might be seen as “unfair” to the rest who just want some “participation trophy” for doing almost nothing.


      9. maylynno Avatar

        In general, you are right. However, I am hoping for a breakthrough. Maybe I live in a country that took everything from us and gave us nothing in return. Maybe change is my wishful thinking. And maybe we must set the standard high by asking for a change to get some improvements here and there.

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      10. romanticindeed Avatar

        You can sit and hope for the leaders of your country to change. Or… you can, as I said, “stand out” from the sleeping herd, and do something as the individual you are.

        With me, I find strength in the idea that all it takes is to believe one can do it. People complicate the challenge, saying the words, “It is not that simple.” And, it is like they wish to feel special with their hurts. I even read of some people wanting to “feel unique” with their scars, though I see from my own perspective that they are in some terrible loneliness.

        I once said, “No person is ever tormented by what is present in their lives, though rather by what is lacking.”

        In the past, I have accomplished the impossible before. I was close to death, twice in my life. Maybe three times, if I can remember clearly. And, I’m only 24.

        I’m still very young. Though, already I can believe that faith is all it takes to simplify the problem, down to knowing it can be solved through direct action. One should not sit on the problem, hoping it will change on its own. One should not sleep indoors, while a war rages on, outdoors.

        In my young age, I’ve already come to the conclusion that the average human finds more temptation to complicate a problem, than they can find the strength to believe it a simple one.

        My mother likes to say to me, “Peter, you’re a good sort. Those kids within your generation are out there, looting stores and burning other people’s businesses, while you write love poetry.”

        I do. I plan to start studying Neurology, come the beginning of next year, in January. I want to do this, to fix my relationship, and get married to the woman I love.

        Meanwhile, everyone in my despicable generation just wants to destroy the world, and call it “change”. The only thing they are “changing” is the terrain and cityscape, to flatten it at the level of the earth and death. They do nothing to maintain the development we’ve already had.

        What’s left for a nation to rule over, besides just ashes and smoke?


      11. maylynno Avatar

        Wow you are young but cery wise for your age. You are right. I believe in individual actions. One can not hope for whole nation to change but for individuals to start new actions.

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    3. romanticindeed Avatar

      By the deconstruction of a person, it must relate to grief. Through insight, we get to know. We get to know another person.

      If the insight comes from what we understand of a person, as it relates to their downfall, we then rebuild. We rebuild, because we can offer our hand to that grieving, low, and depressed person, to “help them up”.

      Though, what does fire do, besides cause more loss?

      As a world, we should douse such fires of anger, with the understanding that comes through shared grief. We should not share anger.

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