Tag: Scientific Quotes

  • Quote – “The Real Meaning Behind Anti-Science” – 4/5/2022

    “Anti-science: universally agreeing with science. When a politician will say, ‘follow the science’, they won’t be for science, because that politician is telling you to agree with the science, without ever questioning the legitimacy behind the data. When the scientific method must require falsifiability for itself to be disprovable, then it is science. And when…

  • Quote – “The Weakness of Human Reason” – 9/10/2020

    “If human reason questions, then human love will define. Love will make the surety, that reason will tear down. Love will make the truth, the wholeness, the clarity, that reason will say is a lie, only fragments, the uncertainty. What is a human, in a scientific world, if not the confused one on the search…

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