Tag: Life

  • Philosophy – “Why Love Is Often Selfish” – 9/1/2023

    Philosophy – “Why Love Is Often Selfish” – 9/1/2023

    “We might tell ourselves that to do what must be done, for another, is a testament to our love for them. In that, we are compensating. For what? For potential loss, of ourselves, of our identity. We hurl ourselves into another to encompass them as we often embrace them, buried under entwined thoughts. In all…

  • Philosophy – “What’s the Reason to Love?” – 8/10/2023

    Philosophy – “What’s the Reason to Love?” – 8/10/2023

    I declare, upon a point I found hindering to decide, that there cannot be a reason to love. No distinguishable, practical reason. There cannot be a useful reason for it in its wide arrangement of symptoms, all discussed of love, as all remain being reminders of what cannot be explained. What would be said? Only…

  • Philosophy – “Why Crisis Reveals Character” – 8/8/2023

    Philosophy – “Why Crisis Reveals Character” – 8/8/2023

    “Humans grow like muscles. But during the crisis, we are revealing how much we can lift on our shoulders, can handle in the heat of tension.” Modern Romanticism There has been that saying, “Crisis doesn’t build character. It reveals it.” It is true, I believe, that in our handling of crisis, of conflict, of pain,…

  • Poem – “Burn the Trail” – 6/4/2023

    Poem – “Burn the Trail” – 6/4/2023

    Extinguished stars. I am callingfor other gateways. I am remindingmyself, that when I fall,I am merely departing from wheremy life had always stalled.When fears are lit, to becomeblack ashes, I am walkingto find Heaven, leaving a burned trailof vacancy and stardust. I enter another path, holding handswith wide-open curtains.In letting loose the purposeof running fields…

  • Philosophy – “Why Machines would not Understand Love” – 3/15/2023

    Philosophy – “Why Machines would not Understand Love” – 3/15/2023

    “Between the black or the white, there is nothing but everything brought forward from a certain past into an uncertain future.” Modern Romanticism What a machine knows is to compute A or B from a scenario, or from a file where something can be accessed in its objective light. What it cannot do is comprehend…

  • Philosophy – “Why ‘Anything Goes’ Epitomizes Deception” – 1/10/2023

    Philosophy – “Why ‘Anything Goes’ Epitomizes Deception” – 1/10/2023

    “If ‘anyone’ might tell you the truth, offer you blatant evidence of whatever making, design, or origin, you are admitting that just ‘anyone’ can be trusted. Truth should be offered from those whom you trust are not there to taint its presence with deceit.” – Modern Romanticism “Anything goes” will not be at all relevant…

  • Poem – “My Life Reuses Old Daylight” – 11/22/2022

    Poem – “My Life Reuses Old Daylight” – 11/22/2022

    I once wrote a smile down.I once carved a line in the sandupon a shore, after I had realizedthat time is an infinite sprawl,leaving wounds as open as oceans – as that smile came to be knownas that divide between sadness,softness, and some other choice. That smile was from recognizingthat life repeats what it ignores,that…

  • “Another Mirror, Another Enemy” – Novel Excerpt

    A grave. Open and wide, like a mother’s arms. Water comes in from pouring rain, filling up that gap, as the soil absorbs nothing. He sees the scenery in me, the mirror. The mirror, another one of them, although there is only one of me in this corner of Dan’s room. Only one of me…

  • Philosophy – “Why Society is not to Blame, for your Errors” – 8/22/2022

    “One who blames their individualist faults as having collective origins has forgotten that a problem will be fixed, through self-admittance. When one admits that their faults have been theirs, one can be aided through available resources. Although, admitting that these issues originate from one’s surroundings, instead of oneself, will mean that one no longer possesses…

  • Philosophy – “Why Collectives are often Victimized” – 5/16/2022

    Philosophy – “Why Collectives are often Victimized” – 5/16/2022

    “Up to a collective, their victimization resonates through an inferiority complex. Contrasted from that, an individual remains superior. An individual can dominate a collective, to name simply that group as inferior, when an individual has not been regarded first. Capability to an individual can only be through them, though when they regard themselves first as…

  • Philosophy – “Why Systems (sometimes) do not Require Change (to help people)” – 5/16/2022

    Philosophy – “Why Systems (sometimes) do not Require Change (to help people)” – 5/16/2022

    “If we care to solve, we will not need as many resources. In this absence of care, resources become our supplement. We replace a heart, meant to be there within us, with material, ephemeral resources. All meant for accessibility to us cannot be always in this manner for a resource. As there can be nothing…

  • Love Quote – “Love Someone more than Yourself” – 4/1/2022

    “We are afraid of the hurt that love can cause. We are often willing to avoid it, at all costs. When thinking for this, we believe it better to be feared, than to be loved, though only the latter requires more risk. When we love someone else more than ourselves, then when the other is…

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